A Multiscale Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Binary Partition Tree 基于二叉划分树的多尺度图像分割算法
Hybrid Mode installs applications to a partition or loop back file in a traditional "one file tree" way. 混合模式的应用程序安装到一个分区或在传统的“一个文件树”的方式回送文件。
The defining scheme for functional feature partition is proposed via mapping function to the structural feature from top to bottom of the partition tree. 以特征分解树为框架,研究了面向对象的表示方法对各级功能结构设计支撑知识的模块化封装,最终实现了初始化设计知识模型的构建。
An exact algorithm and a heuristic algorithm for finding the q-optimal partition of a tree are developed respectively. 同时,还提出了求树的q-最优划分的精确算法和启发式算法。
This paper analyzes the basic SVM and the SVM classifier multi-class classification, especially about the SVM decision tree, then proposes a method for partition of the set of classes on each node classifier to build up SVM decision tree. 本文分析基本的SVM和多类SVM分类器,重点讨论了SVM决策树,提出了一种结点分类器类集合划分方案来构造SVM决策树。
Based on binary partition method and decision tree, a binary neural tree network ( BNTN) classifier is proposed. 基于两类问题的树网络多分类方法将两分类方法和判决树相结合,利用两分类方法来减少神经网络的训练时间,利用树型分类器来提高识别率。
And the network observability is implemented at the same time. Secondly, an efficient graph partitioning method is proposed to partition the weighted tree of the expected distribution network into a desired number of measurement areas in the performing optimization meter placement. 有效的网络分割方法分割期望网络结构的加权树来优化表计配置,使得在量测方程可解的前提下,量测区域用户的指标均衡。
A Nonlinear Integral Defined on Partition of Set and Its Application to Decision Tree Algorithm 基于集合划分的非线性积分及其在决策树算法中的应用
This paper presents a concept of q-optimal partition of a tree by using the concept of set partition. 本文从集合划分的概念出发,提出了关于树的q-最优划分的问题。
During terrain rendering, an effective contour-interpolation method based on block interpolation and point-by-point interpolation technology was presented. This method, combined with other optimization method such as Block Partition, LOD technology based on quad tree and view frustum culling, could improve the rendering efficiency. 在地形绘制中,提出了有效的基于逐点内插和分块内插的等高线插值方法,结合地形分块、基于四叉树的LOD技术、视域裁剪等优化方法,提高了绘制效率。
In this paper, the parallel computation of 2D elastic solid using fast multipole Boundary Element Method is presented, including the partition scheme of adaptive tree, parallel process of iterative method and load balancing in a distributed storage environment. 本文给出了二维快速多极边界元法弹性静力学问题的并行算法,包括针对分布式存储环境下的自适应树结构的划分方案、负载均衡的实现、以及迭代算法的并行处理。
To outside scene, partition arithmetic and OSP tree are used to cull object in world space and detect collision; 对室外场景采用分区算法,同时用OSP技术实现世界坐标空间中的物体剔除和碰撞检测;
In fuzzy modelling, the structure identification of a fuzzy model is to partition the input domain, which is in essence a process of complicated nonlinear optimization. The partition of the input domain can be expressed as a binary tree by a fuzzy tree model. 模糊建模中的结构辨识是指如何划分输入空间,它是一种复杂的非线性优化过程,模糊树模型可将输入空间的划分表示成二叉树结构的形式。
Q-optimal partition of a tree and Its Applications 树的q-最优划分及其应用
A new method of event space-based subscription partition with K-D tree was proposed. 提出了基于事件空间的K-D树划分方法。
Comparison of the topologic distances between gene trees further showed that the pathway topologic distance is a more exact measure than the partition topologic distance. A topologic distant tree of 8 genes was constructed using NJ method. 基因树间拓扑距离数据的比较进一步证明:与分割拓扑距离相比,通经拓扑距离是一种更为精确的测度,利用相对通经拓扑距离构建了8个基因的拓扑距离树。
An Novel Ensemble Method of Feature Gene Selection Based on Recursive Partition-Tree 一种基于递归分类树的集成特征基因选择方法
Optimization of the Partition of Input Domain Using GA and Tree Structure 采用遗传算法及树形结构优化输入空间划分
A hybrid allocation ( HA) algorithm, including two steps of initial partition of code tree and orthogonal variable-spreading-factor ( OVSF) code allocation, is presented for wideband code division multiple access ( WCDMA) system focusing on OVSF single-code allocation in this paper. 针对WCDMA系统中各种正交可变扩频码(OVSF码)的单码分配方案,提出一种混合分配(HA)算法.HA算法分为初始码树划分和OVSF码分配2个阶段。
In this paper, by analyzing the input text, partition the discourse physical structure of the text, the text is presented as a text structure tree which has four levels of chapter, paragraph, complex sentence and clause that are a inclusive relation. 通过对输入文本分析,划分文本的篇章物理结构,分为依次存在包含关系的章节、段落、复句、分句四个层次,用文本结构树来表示。
Studies the BSP tree ( Binary Space Partition Tree), and does some improvement to overcome the defect of traditional BSP tree. We make the new BSP tree have less leave nodes. 通过对BSP树(二叉空间分割树)进行研究,改进了BSP树的分割算法,克服了传统BSP树的部分缺点,减少了其叶子节点数量。
And two methods of partition are proposed: quad tree moment segmentation and FCM cluster segmentation. 提出了两种划分方法:四叉树矩分割法和FCM聚类分割法。
Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Spatial Partition Tree ( SPTMOPSO) is proposed in this paper. 本文提出基于空间划分树的多目标粒子群优化算法。
On the basis of these, the paper introduces the spatial partition technology of the scene optimizing. The techniques used most commonly include BSP tree, quadtree and octree. 在此基础上,介绍了优化场景的几何剖分技术,最常用的几何剖分技术有BSP树、四叉树、八叉树。
Initial optimum island partition scheme is gained through island partition procedures including multiple tree knapsack problems ( TKP) and island combination procedures based on dynamic programming algorithm and branch and bound algorithm. The final island partition scheme is obtained after feasibility checking and adjustment. 该策略首先基于动态规划算法和分枝定界算法通过求解包含多个树背包问题(TKP)的孤岛建立和孤岛合并问题而得到初始孤岛组成,然后通过可行性校验和调节得到最终孤岛划分方案。